In this episode from our hit podcast series, MASTERS OF BEAUTY with DR. ANIL SHAH, we introduce CoolSculpting Elite. In a first for the Masters of Beauty series, Dr. Anil Shah has a treatment with both the Coolsculpting Elite and Coolsculpting devices at the same time while asking our expert providers, Brittany and Bailey, common questions that they get from their patients. Check out this episode for a play-by-play analysis from Dr. Shah as he gets this groundbrealing treatment.
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Dr. Anil Shah (00:00):
Okay. So I’m getting marked up. My goal is to be able to do this in 30 minutes, I’m gonna treat three areas. I think we have one of the few, we have only CoolSculpting sites where we can do three areas at once. Brittney, How many areas do you think I need? Um, at least three.
New Speaker (00:20):
Yes. Okay.
Dr. Anil Shah (00:22):
The other one. So what’s your plan as you’re marking me up so I wanna know
Brittany & Bailey (00:25):
What you’re doing. So right now I’m looking to, in the front of his abdomen, I was looking for the peaks, um, to see where the fat was being distributed. So that would be the perfect plan marks for us to start our treatment. And then the sites I’m looking for, the pinchable for that in, um, seeing which areas we could, um, give as well target as well.
Dr. Anil Shah (00:47):
And so when you’re looking at the back line, what are you looking at? What, what kind of shape
Brittany & Bailey (00:50):
Do you try to make? So I would ideally like for him, I want to make it come in. Um, kind of give it more of like a tone, be shaped definition. So that’s our goal for
Dr. Anil Shah (01:02):
What about in the, uh, stomach area? What, what’s
Brittany & Bailey (01:05):
Your goals here? So for the goals for the summit, we wanna just have a flatter, um, and smoother definition also again with targeting the flins. We’re gonna bring everything in nicely to give it, uh, the B shape.
Dr. Anil Shah (01:18):
Cool. Dave, can we do it in 30 minutes? We can.
Brittany & Bailey (01:22):
All right,
Dr. Anil Shah (01:23):
Let’s do it. So they call this lunch time. This might be going for breakfast Now. Brittany, how many cool have you done for yourself? I’ve
Brittany & Bailey (01:37):
Done two. I’ve done my planks and then I’ve done my
Dr. Anil Shah (01:41):
Number. Have you done the new elite?
Brittany & Bailey (01:44):
I have not
Dr. Anil Shah (01:45):
Done it yet, but I have not done the new elite. So I’m curious to see how this is gonna be different.
Brittany & Bailey (01:50):
I am curious too, actually. Good things.
Dr. Anil Shah (01:56):
Do you think three is enough area? Do you think? I probably need more.
Brittany & Bailey (02:00):
I think for right now, let’s start with three and see how everything is settling in and then we can reevaluate. Yeah.
Dr. Anil Shah (02:07):
You agree with me?
Brittany & Bailey (02:08):
Yeah. I think the are definitely, maybe put more down the line at a time.
Dr. Anil Shah (02:13):
what other areas? Above the, the plan. And it popped you up here too, right? Something.
Brittany & Bailey (02:18):
Yeah, the upper summit, for sure. Could you show what happened? Like at two years ago? You, yeah, you, we should flash back to the where you’re like in the shadow.
Dr. Anil Shah (02:30):
I lost it all. Don’t come put that on.
Brittany & Bailey (02:34):
Try that one. See what it does. I mean, he can fast forward through all this and just like watch you. Yeah, that’s too big. Yeah. And then Mason, true. Small. See how this sucks in better. Yeah. So she there’s no suction. She said, though, if there’s even the slightest, like opening, like it’s not effective. So it has to be completely like, like, I feel like this one would work. Where is this size? Or this one? It’s a little while. Oh, that might be this little. She said it has to be like completely snuck. It’s not gonna work. So he doesn’t have enough fat. Maybe for that one. He does. That’s the thing. See how it’s like this. See how there’s that opening. She, whatever you in a different way. I mean, maybe like that’s, that’s better than the other, but he’s like, see it fits right here.
Brittany & Bailey (03:32):
But then the back is a little open. You might have to do them separate. Like the back fat is one area and then the lung handles another area. See, turn, see how it’s it stops right here. I don’t know if we could do like bend towards us down Michelle, like, like this way. Yeah, start. So you’d wanna start it right here. Right? So see if one fits right there and you don’t worry about this front part. Just like more so for the back. And then we’ll do this stuff maybe with the petite. What are you on that side? Are you um, Nope. It’s one right here. And I feel like this one is gonna be the better one. Okay. See, like English. It we’ll have to do it like this me.
Brittany & Bailey (04:20):
Okay. And have to, I’m gonna have to do again, right? Yeah. Will I probably have few CoolSculpting here? There’s some stuff here. Right? Mm-hmm there’s these are pocketing now. What little pocket of that piece of that? Okay. Fix it. You look like you’ve had like light section a that see your body from across that street. You see them? Those handles like there he is. okay. All right. Let’s skip him off. Well, I guess I got Fu hundred 90 pounds switch Nick flashed back to the other Thanksgiving. 90 pounds. Do you remember that challenge? He did. Yeah. And he was like with the shadowing light, like he like trying to suck it in and flex we, we need help. We need help folks. That was like two years ago. 90 pounds. It’s not so with his sides. Cause remember how she said it has to be like snug on there. Won’t be effective. This one got, I mean, you probably have to do it in a yeah. You’re not gonna be able to get the inside. See, I feel like this one works better though. That ones too. You it the same. Yeah. See one.
Brittany & Bailey (05:39):
So we could do these. It’s just gonna be a little bit of an angle. So we’ll get right. Let’s uh, let’s do it. We pots. Yeah. Okay. Okay. What do you use the crime? You’re doing the old machines. What do stations? Yeah.
Dr. Anil Shah (05:57):
Do you wanna go see them while we get this set up for you? Who’s here the console. So we got a little hold and new technology going together. We’re gonna be, uh, sitting on this position. You don’t post this a, uh, a day website. Samia stomach had gotten actually flat. Yeah. About her. Uh, I what’s the opposite for that. You, what kidding seen is so much nicer. Right? I have something called the Santa Claus syndrome. Where around Christmas time, I get a little bit of extra stuff in my hand. Little fluffy holiday leave. Well, I gotta get this before the Christian thing. Otherwise it’s no going back. Once you get that extra bit on there, it’s never going away. It feels like it will never go away. It takes a long time to get rid of it.
Dr. Anil Shah (07:20):
I probably lost some muscle, right? No. You think so you just have fat on top of not happy with the way he looks. You were working out. You were quarantined. Cause I’m doing all that stuff. You quarantine. I gain weight after want you to cut it down. But then, so this shot, do you want it to be like close up when they apply it or do you want it to be part? I, I would say both. Both actions like them putting it on. Okay. And then they’re gonna put a timer close guy. So the timer hasn’t started. Okay. As soon as they put this on, this is the timer. So get ready. As soon as you one on timer starts. Okay guys, we’re doing 30 minutes. Here we go. 30 minutes to get this going. Oh, nilly. Oh my goodness. That’s something a skinny person. Wouldn’t say, well, we got two on, right? Can you hold? I can just make comments that Don help and not home. Anything. Uh, I’m pretty sure Savannah’s been feeding the extra food because I think better people are nicer. Right? Is that true? Might be offensive. No, I’m serious.
Dr. Anil Shah (08:45):
Is that offensive? Maybe. Have I been nicer than last? Hold on.
Speaker 3 (08:55):
No, it’s not working for you. It’s not working. Stays skinny. Do you guys need the Bobby?
Dr. Anil Shah (09:01):
Isn’t it the name of a brand skinny. You wanna check this
Brittany & Bailey (09:04):
Side or? Um,
Dr. Anil Shah (09:06):
Isn’t there a brand called skinny, big word.
Brittany & Bailey (09:09):
Maybe. I don’t know.
Dr. Anil Shah (09:13):
What’s this for, this is so the audience doesn’t get offended.
Speaker 3 (09:17):
It’s your pregnancy pillow.
Dr. Anil Shah (09:21):
All right. Right. The timers started. We have 30 minutes guys.
Speaker 3 (09:26):
Are you nervous? You’re just on tube. Really?
Brittany & Bailey (09:30):
Yep. Waiting for this. Uh
Dr. Anil Shah (09:33):
Let’s is it the right or left?
Speaker 3 (09:37):
Oh, you said there’s a two minute delay right on one of ’em intentionally?
Brittany & Bailey (09:40):
No it’s usual fault. Oh,
Dr. Anil Shah (09:48):
Switch, Rap. 35 minutes to take away a year of horrible. I can definitely feel like cold. It’s definitely more cold with the elite than the uh,
Brittany & Bailey (10:12):
All right. And then let’s do,
Dr. Anil Shah (10:21):
Is this your record?
Brittany & Bailey (10:23):
It, my record show my record.
Dr. Anil Shah (10:28):
So what would someone call they’re calling for this re one? What would you call that?
Brittany & Bailey (10:33):
Dr. Anil Shah (10:35):
Tri treatment.
Brittany & Bailey (10:38):
Okay. you are gonna be asked the triple treatment, but this one,
Speaker 3 (10:47):
You probably need to wedge like a pillow underneath this or behind like there’s some back there, but I don’t have
Brittany & Bailey (10:52):
Any back there that’s is we have the
Speaker 3 (11:01):
There’s a second one right there.
Brittany & Bailey (11:03):
Speaker 3 (11:07):
What was, what did it say? Not a thermal. Right. Just lost. Okay. Yeah. So you guys, can
Brittany & Bailey (11:12):
You basical it? It’s not gonna let me, it might it, I can cut that out. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (11:44):
How are you feeling?
Dr. Anil Shah (11:46):
Uh, it’s cold. I think actually the coldest one, the Stu lower stomach is the most, uh, intense. The, uh, flanks are not as, uh, as intense, I think, But if you’re gonna do it, I think it makes sense just to do it all at once. Right. I think the world record for cool smoking at once is eight, but doing three. Is this one in the middle of large one?
Brittany & Bailey (12:13):
It’s like a media. No, it’s the average one.
Dr. Anil Shah (12:16):
What’s the large one for,
Brittany & Bailey (12:18):
Um, the plus the cool plus how big it, that double size. It’s two, two of the average. This is mm-hmm so essentially regular treatments. When people have like that hanging belly, you can like scoop it all in there. You, I
Dr. Anil Shah (12:57):
There’s a problem with the ponytail. I can cut that off.
Brittany & Bailey (13:00):
Just lay on it. Yeah. I heard the other ones. It’s already been five minutes, half you. Yeah. You close open it. I was just trying to get in front of I, right? Is that yeah. Is that for his time? Yeah, we have like a wash pump or something like this white be in the cabinet, maybe in there any white BES. Oh, I need something to like that. Mm-hmm
Dr. Anil Shah (14:12):
I feel like I still trying to grab though. I’m just
Brittany & Bailey (14:14):
Right. Like it’s. Oh yeah. And she’s gonna grab something and push it. I feel like the lights don’t specifically typically start to like really like the effect of like five minutes and you can really feel it mm-hmm
Dr. Anil Shah (14:30):
. Now, what area do you think, uh, responds to best post came in your experience? What do you think Bailey? Um,
Brittany & Bailey (14:37):
I would say probably the apps. Then I see the biggest change.
Dr. Anil Shah (14:41):
Brittany. Where do you see the biggest change?
Brittany & Bailey (14:42):
I see the biggest change in the flames blanks. Mm-hmm
Dr. Anil Shah (14:47):
Have you ever seen, um, loose skin after? I did not hitting, huh? That’s kind of cold. What’s the oldest patient you’ve treated 75 and any loose skin after? No, he
Brittany & Bailey (15:03):
Actually had a really, really good result because his skin was thinner and had less fibers tissue. The cold got through to the fat a lot better. And he saw drastic change in like after one cycle house. It was obviously one of my best results I’ve ever seen
Dr. Anil Shah (15:20):
Feeling. So you’re always in 75. What’s your own patient? I think like late sixties. Any issues with skin? No. So it’s interesting because I did a study on post and um, actually one of my colleagues in France, Dr. Bloom in Philadelphia, they found that your skin, your DMI actually gets thicker after doing who called? Yes. So, uh, it’s one of the reasons, and it’s kind of nice because that 75 year old, his other option was a tummy tuck, right? Yeah. So it’s either a tummy tuck or salt thing. How, what was your patient’s reaction when he had that gun?
Brittany & Bailey (15:53):
He loved it. Cause he honestly, so he didn’t really care about the fact, he just wanted his pants to fit better. Mm-hmm and he was like, I’ve just, it’s come so many months that I’m like, I can’t my pants anymore. He’s like, all I want is my pants to fit better. After one cycle, he was able to button his pants. We were both surprised. He was so happy with it.
Dr. Anil Shah (16:12):
I think that’s and I think if you look at their indications from, from the company yeah. They say that you should treat younger patients, but it’s interesting that some of the times you do these not ideal candidates, they tend to be more ideal that you think. Yeah, absolutely. I agree. Yeah. So, um, what about, uh, someone comes in, they’re getting married, they’re looking for that to fit. Um, what’s like the most common area sustain
Brittany & Bailey (16:37):
Food. I think for weddings, arms, all the bride are, want their arms thin pictures. I would say the little, little belly poop. The little poop. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Arms and belly are the most popular.
Dr. Anil Shah (16:52):
It seems like a dress is super unforgiving. Yeah. Because you have the, uh, the lower belly foods that shows up, I think in almost every dress. Right? Yeah. And then you have the, the flanks, which depending on its like the type of dress that can show up and then the arms seems like every area is gonna show up. So it’s like, um, cut our Brice to be right. Um, what’s the youngest patient, you care
Brittany & Bailey (17:19):
21, us 21. I’ll get him a lot. So you can do off so 16, 16 or 15,
Dr. Anil Shah (17:26):
I think. What, what was the story of that 15 year
Brittany & Bailey (17:28):
Old? Yeah. Was mom try, it was in person his mom wanted him to get in shape and she knew that if she was gonna put his money towards school consulting, that it was gonna push him to keep up with his sports and make him feel better in high school, because he was getting bullied for his lower belly that he was having. And so he came back for a second treatment and the look on his face, he was so much pre confide, so much happier. And like, it was funny to see him from the beginning when he was so shy and stiff and quiet. And then that second treatment, he like was like excited about it. Wow. So I was really happy
Dr. Anil Shah (18:05):
To see that kind of the cool thing about that is for this kid, he weighted surgery. Um, and lots of times when you’re, when you’re a teenager, you’re kind of forming your self esteem and yeah. These things that, uh, you know, bother us, bother them. Probably what 10
Brittany & Bailey (18:21):
O’clock way more.
Dr. Anil Shah (18:22):
Yeah. So, um, what was his mom’s reaction
Brittany & Bailey (18:27):
For him? She was excited because she started doing the whole something. So I started with her and then she was like, wait, can we do this on my son too? And I was like, yeah, as long as he said this up for him and get the approval, then we can do it.
Dr. Anil Shah (18:39):
There’s actually a program they have for, for kids who are, um, you overweight getting bullied and um, that’s, that’s a perfect indication right there. Yeah. And again, who’s gonna do MI section 16, no one with a non-invasive treatment, like being you’re freezing that. Yeah. Makes sense. Um, and obviously diet exercises the best ways, but you can’t come beyond that.
Brittany & Bailey (19:02):
But I think also a combination of postal thing, diet, exercise, I think that’s gonna be your classical that most. Yeah. And that’s what kept me motivated to do it. The, this mom’s like, well, we put this money into post sculpting. You better keep up with your diet and exercise too and see your results else. You’re gonna
Dr. Anil Shah (19:18):
Happy. Do you guys ever do a, uh, a body builder type who has like, just ripped everywhere, but had like area that every fitness people
Brittany & Bailey (19:26):
I actually did, I had, she was a fitness. Um, her concerns were her thighs up the inside of her thigh.
Dr. Anil Shah (19:35):
So what implicator did you use on
Brittany & Bailey (19:37):
Her? Um, I did the cool, um, petites, cause she just had a like upper little, yeah, just that little pocket. She just, once that was done it was,
Dr. Anil Shah (19:50):
And then she could see the, oh yeah. Do you think thin people see more of a result than, uh, thicker people or person?
Brittany & Bailey (19:57):
I, I think it varies, honestly. I, I think it depends on how the fat is how thick it is. Um, how loose it is, how soft it is it to get it. You’re indicator of how well you treat that area. And how many treatments do the team have?
Dr. Anil Shah (20:17):
Is there a difference between ethnicity? Like can certain ethnicities respond better? Others?
Brittany & Bailey (20:22):
I kinda just varies from person to person,
Dr. Anil Shah (20:26):
To person
Brittany & Bailey (20:27):
That that’s why its so important to have in person. So you can visually see what is actually going on and have a better plan for that.
Dr. Anil Shah (20:38):
Have you guys ever seen, uh, pH?
Brittany & Bailey (20:41):
I have actually, I’ve had a patient come to us, um, with the result of pH and she was there for consult for Lyco SU cause ER, actually pay for lyo
Dr. Anil Shah (20:54):
Her. Have you ever had one of your own patients? Um, you never had one? I, I
Brittany & Bailey (21:01):
Have one. It’s really interesting to see. I’ve seen it. It’s I’ve seen it in
Dr. Anil Shah (21:06):
Person. Yes. Um, so the pH, so why do you think, um, you’re not seeing PA patients just because it’s just, we’re getting
Brittany & Bailey (21:16):
Lucky. Nobody
Dr. Anil Shah (21:17):
Can predict it. You think it’s the machine like one, one theory. MPH is the patients with really old machines yeah. Are getting pH and the patients with newer machines as much. Some people think it’s just a weird reaction. What do you
Brittany & Bailey (21:30):
Think? It’s again, it’s just one of those adverse effects that can act with anything. I think these machines are better equipped to fit more of the curves of your body and form pull that out in. So there’s better contact, but I don’t really know. I mean those gold machines, very first rule sculpting machine was very weird looking. It was like a tight little slit and your fat had to go into it. And it was almost like a square that your fat had to fit into, which wasn’t natural for your body machine for ease. I can tell that ease fit a lot better and they’re actually a lot harder to get off to because they’re so closely like stuck on with your that I’m like, I can see
Dr. Anil Shah (22:10):
A huge difference. You think there was contact point issues with machines? Yeah. What about uh, permanency? Everyone always is concerned about is this permanent womans, the first piece person you’ve trained. And again, anyone come back and said, oh my gosh, I, uh, this didn’t work it’s coming
Brittany & Bailey (22:25):
Back. That fat cell is actually made. So worked and screwed it out on your body throughout your fat system, you actually peel those fat cells. Um, so that is a permanent process. You always have fat cells behind those top later fat cells, whatever you’re getting rid of, but whatever we, whatever we treat and kill, no. However it is possible to make those new fat cells in different area. So do have to have a healthy mind of, you know, a lifestyle and be about things, but
Dr. Anil Shah (22:56):
It is permanent. That’s true of anything. Maybe life actually probably people who get life physically that outs. Um, so you’ve seen patients with like what and problem for problem. If you had to say who’s, you can get results of both the question. What’s the chance of seeing a problem post the chance of seeing
Brittany & Bailey (23:20):
A problem I’ve actually had to treat patients post like those suction or areas that were missed where I would go back in and use those open to get rid of that box. Yes. So I’ve had several patients had the same little pockets of that, that just look abnormal now on the Optima and stuff that we just apply that treatment. So
Dr. Anil Shah (23:41):
Yeah, there’s, there’s some theories that people say they’ve never seen a li on any person and the reason they say that is because it’s so hard to make everything super smooth in that area. Yeah. And you know, when you see these guys, especially trying to get like three pad stuff, sometimes it looks really good on the table, but you see them in person. A lot of those, they look kind weird, right? Yeah. Um,
Brittany & Bailey (24:05):
Talk close. They don’t look great, but next trees, they look cool. Great. But in person doesn’t
Dr. Anil Shah (24:11):
Can’t believe. And I think it’s because it’s just super hard to get in that consistent layer. Suck out that and not have inconsistency in
Brittany & Bailey (24:20):
Batter. Create an that be aqu.
Dr. Anil Shah (24:26):
Is there anything you guys do like with cool smoking to make the results, um, better like besides diet exercise, do you think the massage makes a difference? Do you think the providers make a difference? Do you think if anyone quit cool smoking the or you
Brittany & Bailey (24:42):
No. I mean, my friend actually had a bad result with cool. She went to somewhere that didn’t apply the applicator onto an area that was treatable and suggestion have the indentation from the postal cause it wasn’t applied directly.
Dr. Anil Shah (24:57):
So, so a lot of it, so
Brittany & Bailey (24:58):
It definitely comes out a provider. I think it, you have to know exactly the proper placement, what you’re looking for again. And people think that you can just put it, but it’s also the landmarks and where that distributed.
Dr. Anil Shah (25:14):
Yeah. So I think it’s how you, like I getting the right contact, the attorney. Right. Um, just with anything, there is some, uh, differences between going to provider a or C and as much as they want to make it the same, despite getting anything, both or fillers it’s kind of provider dependent, like in that part of seeing that. Definitely. Um, cool. Um, cool.
Brittany & Bailey (25:38):
Is it
Dr. Anil Shah (25:38):
Numb? Uh, it’s actually not too bad. Yeah. For me doing this, just film section. Um, speaking of numbness, um, has what, what are some of the issues do, do patients have numbness afterwards? Do they have tingling, have anyone with permanent numbness or anything like that?
Brittany & Bailey (25:54):
No, I’ve never seen none before numbness usually lasts for about five, seven days. You can definitely have some redness afterward that lasts for the next day or two, a little bit, a little bit swelling, a little bit of just 10 for a couple days. And then that’s about it. You get like bruising, there’s no downtime. You can exercise right after I actually, I actually worked out right after like smoking treatment. So it is possible. Yeah.
Dr. Anil Shah (26:19):
Cool. Um, so exercise is okay to do. Yep. Um, so basically no limits. I, I think that’s an amazing thing that’s happen now because I mean, you see where society’s going, where you can literally get a treatment. This normally I would have to be, you know, put asleep, um, if life like, say be off of work for a week or two be super sore. Yeah. Like where concussion
Brittany & Bailey (26:43):
Garments for weeks on end
Dr. Anil Shah (26:44):
And then see my results in three months. Yeah. Um, here I can get something between in 30 minutes. When do you think I should see my result?
Brittany & Bailey (26:52):
People say that they start seeing the results as early as a month. Um, but that three month work is kind of where you’re gonna see that five result.
Dr. Anil Shah (27:03):
Um, if you’re doing this with full film, um, or any sort of muscle skin device, many suggest taken it back from my muscle stand, it should before, should they do this after? Um, or doesn’t really matter.
Brittany & Bailey (27:17):
I would say if, you know, I would say first we should freeze it. If you have your, we need, I would say first we need to freeze it and then we can start, um, doing the full after. So it’s more practic. So first we freeze, then we do the agree.
Dr. Anil Shah (27:38):
Do you notice a difference in, uh, like posture, posture are shape? Um, just the overall circum circumference of the stomach happen. cause there’s reports that treats the fat, the fat, um, have you guys noticed that, but some people come in is super and like, it’s not like this principal fat, it’s like this super thing. And then, um, that’s like the deeper, have you seen any difference in that?
Brittany & Bailey (28:07):
I actually, when I did it to myself, I knew a difference. I mean, I feel like I have a little bit of bigger fat on my stomach, but when I did the cool zone, um, I saw like actual, I did. Yeah.
Dr. Anil Shah (28:24):
How manys of,
Brittany & Bailey (28:26):
Uh, at least six,
Dr. Anil Shah (28:29):
I think this week five. I mean, I hit since a year ago to me, I think that number’s gonna be about eight.
Brittany & Bailey (28:35):
Um, you’re not gonna see that four. You’re gonna have to be,
Dr. Anil Shah (28:40):
Um, is there more impressive results with the, uh, than the apps or about the,
Brittany & Bailey (28:46):
See, I think apps, I mean, personally I’d see more definition come a lot faster, doing the full than any AB workout out I’ve ever done. And I still actually do have soreness for the next day. So I see, I saw change with my full treatment after the very first treatment, just cause I could see more definition right in that middle line. So I’m, I love it. It’s like one of my favorite machines here.
Dr. Anil Shah (29:13):
Cool. Um, now when you’re putting on these different applicators, is the temperature different for each applicator or roughly the same
Brittany & Bailey (29:23):
All negative 11 degrees, CEL thing, you know, Do my calculator,
Dr. Anil Shah (29:34):
Is it time to same for each
Brittany & Bailey (29:35):
Applic? No. So the larger applicator is actually gonna be 45 minutes of treatment because there’s more fat that needs to be frozen. The cool advantage or like the medium size applicator is gonna be only 35 minutes. So, and then our smooth applicator that actually lays on, which is really good for outer thigh. Saddlebacks that one because it doesn’t use suction actually has to stay on for an hour and 15 minutes. Um, but now since we have the cool, uh, cool sculpting, we’re able to do both outer thighs at the same time. That really cut down time a lot faster.
Dr. Anil Shah (30:09):
Um, do you, a lot of your pictures, you do this, do they, um, do work while they’re doing this? What do they
Brittany & Bailey (30:14):
Do? Everybody has their laptop sitting right here for their phone. They’re always working now or sleeping. I’ll turn the lights off and we just pass out
Dr. Anil Shah (30:26):
Or, or making a podcast and the people
Brittany & Bailey (30:28):
Don’t on a podcast.
Dr. Anil Shah (30:32):
Did you know that I was doing the whole time, a secret podcast? Huh? This is not, this is not gonna be open a podcast. Maybe you , if you not. Um, so then if I wanted to do a second treatment, when’s the best time two weeks a month, two months, three months. You
Brittany & Bailey (30:50):
Could repeat that area in, um, month, the same area that we treated before. So
Dr. Anil Shah (30:55):
Would you wait to see results since? Okay. Let’s is kind of see what’s been treated or you say this is treated again, double treated. What’s your,
Brittany & Bailey (31:02):
What’s your best? I say it depends like if we do your consultation, we automatically know that you’re gonna need at least another treatment. Let’s just go ahead and tackle that. But if we’re on the front where we know we like where we’re at, we just want like a little bit more then just that’s exactly evaluate after month. Yeah.
Dr. Anil Shah (31:22):
Yeah. Pricing. I mean, I, obviously we offered this here. I never know the price. So if someone always asks about pricing, is that an individual thing when someone offer about pricing that like if they do one area, five areas, three
Brittany & Bailey (31:36):
Areas. Yeah. It’s very, very individualized to each person, but starting price is six 50, depending on the ator
Dr. Anil Shah (31:48):
Seven 50. So if I was gonna be one year, a probably start at seven 50, it,
Brittany & Bailey (31:51):
If I know that you’re gonna need like multiple rounds and if you wanna just do a package, a bundle package, that would be the best way to do it. You’re save more. And um, it’s just gonna be,
Dr. Anil Shah (32:04):
Yeah. So if someone treats their lower app, it’s seven 50. That’s not bad. It’s not bad. It’s permanent. And then if you do five, six areas, that’s where it can add up, but then you’re gonna get it bundle. Just kind of that.
Brittany & Bailey (32:16):
Yeah, definitely. And alley point. Yeah. Those alley points that up too. They do. So every time you come back for that, you should have like, even that 50, $6,000 off your actual treatment too.
Dr. Anil Shah (32:34):
Brittany & Bailey (32:41):
Dr. Anil Shah (32:43):
And so, and then, um, second, can this, um, what cardio, like, do you think, um, we kind got topic here. Do you think Brittany, you’re kind of competing in fitness, this thing? Um, do you think cardio is more important? Um, or will muscles more important? Like it, someone wants to lean out.
Brittany & Bailey (33:13):
You have to have muscle. It’s not always about quick. It takes a longer time to build muscle, um, leaning out as an easy process. So build muscle first and then
Dr. Anil Shah (33:28):
So building muscle what’s um, are you like a, it just work out as much as we can or is there so
Brittany & Bailey (33:35):
Like probably lifting, um, sit like five to six times a week. Um, how lifting, um, often do you do cardio? I do cardio every single day for about an hour.
Dr. Anil Shah (33:48):
An hour. An hour? Yeah. And what do you do for an hour?
Brittany & Bailey (33:51):
So it depends. Usually I’ll split it up. Um, I’ll do the bike for 30 minutes and then I’ll go to for another 30 minutes or just depending on how I’m feeling I to master, I feel like I burn a lot more master. I know I just did 20 minutes on the master it’s so minutes ago it is actually hard to do. Yeah, it really is. It’s good leg. You do? Yeah. I love master though.
Dr. Anil Shah (34:15):
Yeah. So when you’re on the, uh, the blind from master, like, are you, what are you just get through this for 30 minutes or are you going for an
Brittany & Bailey (34:22):
Intensity? So I do a pit interval, so I’ll go, I’ll do my warm up for like two minutes. Um, I’ll, I’ll start at 12. That’s usually what I have to go to level. And then, um, depending on where my resting rate is usually one above. Um, and then I’ll just go do intervals up and down
Dr. Anil Shah (34:43):
And do you track it? You’re gonna my heart rate.
Brittany & Bailey (34:45):
Then I am heart rate and there’s a set amount of calories that I have to pay too.
Dr. Anil Shah (34:49):
What calories you might
Brittany & Bailey (34:50):
Be gonna? Um, I have to do no less than a thousand.
Dr. Anil Shah (34:54):
A thousand. on 30 minutes.
Brittany & Bailey (34:57):
No. If for an hour total, a total I’d have to do less than
Dr. Anil Shah (35:03):
So then are you measuring your macros
Brittany & Bailey (35:05):
Then? For the day I’m measuring my food. My macros, I don’t necessarily measure. I measure quantity, like what
Dr. Anil Shah (35:11):
I’m doing. So how do you, how do you keep track of the calorie for using
Brittany & Bailey (35:14):
Some sort of at scale? I, my fitness, I measuring, I just, I need the same thing, everything, every single you’re in a routine,
Dr. Anil Shah (35:23):
A routine morning, oatmeal,
Brittany & Bailey (35:26):
UHA couple oatmeal with a protein powder. I also implemented Nu it now. Yeah. Um, and then I do six egg wipes with, I have avocado. I,
Dr. Anil Shah (35:37):
That it’s school, that egg whites have like almost for calories. One egg white has 15 calories. I think it makes less, we don’t check that high amount
Brittany & Bailey (35:44):
Of protein for the lowest calorie figure is
Dr. Anil Shah (35:46):
Yeah. If you’re doing 15, uh, six egg whites, 10 15, if you’re like nothing, that’s like less than you like into hundred something calories.
Brittany & Bailey (35:56):
Dr. Anil Shah (35:57):
And then, uh, again, hoping come up either.
Brittany & Bailey (36:01):
It’s good park. Those are, you know, every day protein. Yeah.
Dr. Anil Shah (36:06):
Overnight. And then what do you do after you, your
Brittany & Bailey (36:09):
Breakfast? Um, usually helping hungry probably like an hour later. So I’ve been doing like a protein steak with water in it. Um, do like one after like fourths, the middle of the morning in morning and then close to my workouts, my lifting, um, I’ll do chicken. I’ll do a, or not a threes of rice or some kind like, and I’ll do asparagus, a lot of greens, a lot of, lot of green, lot spin, a lot of asparagus, your like sweet drink. Like what do you, what’s your healthy, sweet trait. Um, so I’ve been in a kick with and um, dark poco. Yeah. Mix it together. Just like the chocolate bars. They have them, they selling little individual, small ones. I do that. It have to be like dark, dark. We there’s like, no,
Dr. Anil Shah (37:15):
You cream. One of the AC he puts a little Whipp cream is day. The Whipp cream has, um, think it’s like 10 calories. There’s like, there’s like nothing. There’s nothing in there. It’s like maybe like couple in there. So it gives you that much flavor. So if you enjoy your food and it, that little bit in there,
Brittany & Bailey (37:43):
Dr. Anil Shah (37:43):
You. I think we didn’t have enough. Uh, I had to hold on. Sorry about that. um, so, uh, and then, uh, age. So then when you’re cutting, you’re when you’re going from building to cutting,
Brittany & Bailey (37:59):
I haven’t got yet. I’m building right now. I’m so I’m doing an hour of car every day. And then after I’m done lifting, I’m doing an hour of the sauna. That’s part of my routine. Now,
Dr. Anil Shah (38:13):
After I need this a little bit more spicy right here.
Brittany & Bailey (38:16):
Really? I don’t know. Why does Brittany know about the hot and the cold? The dip go happens. Dip the one that, um, Eugene does. You said you go on sauna. Dickerson’s gonna tell you about the trick that he does. The cold punch. Ah, what is it? The cold punch. Yeah. Cold mic over there
Dr. Anil Shah (38:34):
Please. Oh, the Colin mm-hmm so I was going to
Brittany & Bailey (38:39):
About the cos we, how would I do? Yeah, maybe it’ll help her. It’s supposed to be good for that. You guys were saying to the, to the, your cardiovascular system, you immune, like for inflammation,
Dr. Anil Shah (38:48):
Inflammation, actually your heart rate goes up in the sun. So, so if you go to sun, um, your heart rate starts up and you can get up to like 1 20, 1 30 long you’re in there and you can burn calories. But a lot of people like it because there’s some longevity effects and um, other death, if you go to Cole, your heart rate, you can drop. And again, there’s some longevity effects associated with that as well. A guy that in off, and, and in my heart rate, I’ll go hot and cold. My heart rate in the cold goes down. Same. Um, like, I mean, I’ll start it 1, 1 30 hot when I go down with the cold. Um, and uh, I, inflammation definitely helps. And you see how big’s, uh, I mean, surgery is just, it wears on you. I mean, you are, you’re standing up whole leaning over your, your positions and, uh, I don’t have any discomfort, so I, I feel good. But if you have any discomfort in your back neck, you’re, you’re trying to keep yourself it’s uh, what
Brittany & Bailey (40:01):
Happened? You filming me mm-hmm that’s fine. We’re just chatting. What happened with the girl said her body was yellow.
Dr. Anil Shah (40:08):
Oh, you can talk her. She’s all
Brittany & Bailey (40:09):
Good. What happened with it? She went to the ER. Yeah. I’ll tell you podcast. Okay.
Dr. Anil Shah (40:20):
I know. Okay.
Brittany & Bailey (40:21):
We have three minutes left.
Dr. Anil Shah (40:23):
Seven year almost there. Okay. So any, any take home note. So someone who’s coming in and says, um, uh, I want to get, is it the person who wants a major change, a little change, a big change? Like who’s your ideal. Who’s called from person. Who’s the person who should look at both funding.
Brittany & Bailey (40:40):
I would say again, this is my personal preference. It raises person to person. Um, if you, you know, have, if you’re very active and you have likestyle modifications that you’re working on, um, and you just have these areas that you just can’t seem to get rid of, but you, you take care of yourself. You’re active, you’re doing all the right things. Say that’s the best thought that’s stubborn balance. Yep.
Dr. Anil Shah (41:07):
Okay. And for those patients, I think the biggest question that people ask is does both all team work?
Brittany & Bailey (41:17):
I, yes, done it and we see amazing results. I love it because it’s you actually yeah, exactly. That you see results. Um, and we can’t afford to up Valenti time. So like’s very have an active
Dr. Anil Shah (41:30):
Lifestyle. Yeah. And if you’re looking at a scientific based, um, you know, look at this, there’s so much literature supporting this on, on multiple levels and, and for multiple years. And so I think from that standpoint, um, this is why I have not seen it on invasive. That is, uh, close to this. And by far the best. Yeah. Cool. Well also, Greg chatting with you and, uh, we reach our 35 minute mark. That’s there. How much time are we at you right
Speaker 3 (41:59):
Now? On the video? Yeah. There’s 19 minutes, but you go to call and it’s stop this. So we have a pause. So,
Dr. Anil Shah (42:06):
So we’re about 35. Yeah. So the reason I like this is because, you know, as you get older, um, you might notice, uh, some areas might pop up that you haven’t seen before. I think the love handles that that’s kind of a newer thing. Right? Mm-hmm did I have that?
Speaker 3 (42:22):
I don’t think it ever bothered you,
Dr. Anil Shah (42:25):
Maybe. I didn’t see it. Is it always there or is it no, I don’t think it was always there. So it kind of a newer thing. Yeah. Does that happen? I think the guys get a little older. They get that little side.
Brittany & Bailey (42:34):
So we’re yeah.
Speaker 3 (42:35):
She’d interview and ask her. Cause she would know.
Dr. Anil Shah (42:40):
I, I think whenever I see her, my shirt’s off, she closes her eyes for you time. So she might not be the best, uh, candidate. So Brittany, what, what are you gonna be applying over here? So
Brittany & Bailey (42:50):
I’m going to be applying a Las new, um, body treatments. Um, what this is gonna do is help, uh, speed up the process and help, um, treat those fat cells and excrete them a little bit easier. So you apply this after your full scope treatment and you can, um, apply it post-treatment as well.
Dr. Anil Shah (43:08):
And, and so, uh, basically every elastin product, uh, they use peptides. And so, uh, peptides, this, the beacon marketing that we ready. So all our stuff can kind come off. Um, peptides are designed. Peptides are designed essentially to penetrate through the skin. And I think there’s three different products, but as far as the body goes, I think that’s the only product that’s designed. Um, and you’ve seen, that’s been effective, both healthy
Brittany & Bailey (43:40):
13 seconds.
Speaker 3 (43:45):
How do you feel about the fall
Dr. Anil Shah (43:46):
Actually with mad
Speaker 3 (43:48):
You numbs,
Dr. Anil Shah (43:50):
Uh, not too bad. Have you ever had three areas and such at the same time? Uh,
Speaker 3 (43:55):
Are these a big, have I can score it for you guys if you need me to,
Dr. Anil Shah (44:09):
That is numb. That is also numb.
Brittany & Bailey (44:17):
We’ll do this massage 10, 10, 12. And what we’re doing is that we’re breaking up those fats cells that rise to the surface layer of the skin. And it helps with the process of paralysis, which is what essentially have to show you, make it so painful.
Dr. Anil Shah (44:36):
It, it feels weird.
Brittany & Bailey (44:39):
Dr. Anil Shah (44:40):
It feels weird.
Brittany & Bailey (44:43):
Like one of those tie massages when they’re gonna get in there.
Dr. Anil Shah (44:45):
I, my son, I can,
Brittany & Bailey (44:49):
Um, Brittany’s the killer with the massage. I just wanna make sure I,
Dr. Anil Shah (44:54):
Brittany, I’m
Brittany & Bailey (44:56):
Your muscle in me. Brittany’s a whole bodybuilding now. So she’s putting all of that, all that aggression into this, on her new muscle.
Dr. Anil Shah (45:09):
So yeah. So this is really important then, right?
Brittany & Bailey (45:14):
This is a, this is a really important part. We have to make sure that you really separate good. So the process is more effective.
Dr. Anil Shah (45:31):
And then we’ll our total time here. So we did three areas. I think it’s gonna be around week the massage, probably what? 37, 38 minutes. Yep.
Brittany & Bailey (45:40):
Massage is two minutes.
Dr. Anil Shah (45:49):
It feels really weird. Cuz you have those nerves kind of all kind of coming back,
Brittany & Bailey (45:53):
Back up. You can actually hear the sand cells happening. You’re separating its actually all right. That was two minutes. We just have one more.
Dr. Anil Shah (46:04):
Okay. So, um, do you recommend patient drink water after this?
Brittany & Bailey (46:07):
Yes. I think trying to help flush out when that system is probably one of the best things you can do on, I always tell them to hydrate out here.
Dr. Anil Shah (46:16):
It’s kinda like any massage you’re supposed to drink water. Exactly. And if you haven’t had a massage in a long time and you get a massage and they break down muscle, sometimes massage, TMI, your, your urine is dirt mm-hmm because you’re breaking down, you know, kind of some of those toxins and um, maybe a little muscle. And for here, um, you guys notice your urine is different after you came postal or no, I
Brittany & Bailey (46:39):
Notice I never looked close. I, I never pay attention. You let us know yeah. I’ll find out
Dr. Anil Shah (46:50):
When we found the opportunity to get our long awaited, uh, podcast. We got that in here. Um, so this will lasted product. Um, this is the body treatment, uh, with that Trix technology. Do patients, do you recommend they use this after bring this home or is it more important just in this immediate course, but that’s an next to credit type
Brittany & Bailey (47:07):
Of thing? No, both actually use it immediately post and then you can continue. Yeah.
Dr. Anil Shah (47:14):
Do you see a difference in patients who use this versus not using it or is it kind of one of those instructor tell
Brittany & Bailey (47:19):
I have patients that have, it helps tighten the skin. It helps break down more fat cells than what the does. And then by applying that over the next four weeks helps with the result drastically before, after those are pretty drastic.
Dr. Anil Shah (47:35):
So I should use this then four weeks. Sure. Um, so if you’re, you’re doing this full function, um, can you use this as a standalone product or you can have
Brittany & Bailey (47:45):
Use it standalone? Yeah, definitely.
Dr. Anil Shah (47:48):
Yep. Have you, could anyone use it standalone and see the results with it
Brittany & Bailey (47:51):
Or yeah, it helps tighten and skin post pregnancy. I think it’s an awesome treatment to apply to the AB tight and skin post lifting. It just enhances the results.
Dr. Anil Shah (48:09):
Get a big pump twice daily morning and evenings with the desire for your areas. It does not have to be massaged in
Brittany & Bailey (48:18):
No, just 5 26 seconds.
Dr. Anil Shah (48:25):
All right. Well we are basically done. Hopefully this is not in a YouTube version because it is , I’m offending you all with my stomach. uh, could you hear that? Alright. Hopefully I think
Brittany & Bailey (48:39):
So. We’ll see. Nick will let us know over the machines if he, the audio get somes. That one’s pretty quiet. That machine. Yeah, I know.
Dr. Anil Shah (48:53):
All right. We’re out.